Thank you 2023, Welcome 2024

2023 fut riche en événements en tout genre, en rencontres et en nouvelles expériences.

Les deux moments forts de cette année?
La remise de mon diplôme de guide de haute montagne, une formation débutée en 2020 et qui a pris fin en 2023. Très heureuse de faire partie de cette belle famille des guides de haute montagne.
L’ascension de l’Himlung Himal, 7126m avec Zebulon et nos clients, Didier et Martin et le vol magique depuis sa pente sommitale. Une très belle préparation pour notre projet de cet été.

Alors en route 2024!

Protect Our Winters

Athlète impliquée auprès de l’association Protect Our Winters depuis de la début de la création de l’antenne France, je réalise le beau chemin parcouru depuis. L’équipe à grandi, une super équipe de bénévoles nous a rejoint et surtout beaucoup plus d’athlètes s’investissent pour POW et la problématique des bouleversements climatiques dans sa globalité. Il en ressort une belle énergie, plein d’idées et grand nombre de projets qui se concrétisent sur le terrain grâce aux différents acteurs de la montagne de plus en plus à l’écoute de POW. On continue sur notre lancée…

Merci Protect Our Winters pour ce petit portrait sur le site web.

Vous aussi vous pouvez être membre de POW, en cliquant ici

Outdoor Friendly

As you could see @kilianjornet launched his foundation and one of the first action is the OutdoorFriendly pledge.

Its goal is to promote a more ecological practice of outdoor sports, focusing on athletes, organizers, brands and federations. 

I took the pledge because I believe the outdoor sports can lead a transition to make the sports industry more sustainable and inspire other industries to do their own transition.

I invite you to take the pledge as well, with this in minds:

« Commit to what you feel ready for. Focus in 1, 5 or the 10 commitments to work during each year. Small steps lead to bigger ones. Share your actions to inspire those around you” @kilianjornetfoundation 

Let’s do our best, all together, for a better world.

More infos about the Outdoor friendly pledge on my bio


Saying good bye to Salomon…

For the last 5 years I have been collaborating with Salomon and an amazing team of humans. It’s been a beautiful adventure. We worked well on projects, we had some interesting time with the products development teams and, despite the size of the company, the spirit was always like a family spirit.

Lately the brand and I started to take some different paths as can happen sometimes. Slowly, the need for some changes became more and more obvious for me. Taking such decision is never easy, but change always brings something new and makes you grow.

Behind the name of the company, there are many people at Salomon who make it work, grow and evolve. I’m extremely grateful to everyone for their kindness and the amazing work done together. It’s something we can be very satisfied with.

I really want to thank all the people I have worked with these last five years. From the sewing ladies to the product development and the marketing and communication department. It’s been a great pleasure and a real adventure to work with such a great team of humans inside a visionary brand.

I really want to give a special thank you to BB (Bruno Bertrand) for all his benevolence, vision of our sports, humanity and understanding on top of all the qualities he has as an athlete manager. There are a few people like him in the outdoor industry and I feel lucky I got to work with him, learn from him and evolve.

I can’t finish this without speaking of all the amazing athletes from the Salomon team that I got to share time with. You guys are all great, fun, totally crazy and I’ll miss you, though I know our paths will cross again in the mountains.

Let’s keep the joy and the stoke high and keep acting to protect our playgrounds.

New Adventures ahead


Lots of things happened after climbing the 4000m peaks of the Alps despite the fact I did not write much here. Climbing the 82 peaks above 4000m of the Alps taught me so many things that I decided to go one step further with my knowledge in Mountains sports. I decided to try the Mountain Guide entrance exam which I passed. And I have to say I’m reallly stoked with doingI the mountain guide course now. I had also put more energy into paragliding, started my license to pilot UltraLight Aircraft. And there had been lots of changes in my personal life for the last two years who took me some energy and asked for lots of adjustments. The Covid19 made also this year (and probably the next one) a very special one with un certainties, new visions and lots on unexpected changes.

I will write more often here. For now I just post a small edit of hiking up Mont Blanc and flying off it back in march, before the we were all lock down. It was a nice and unplanned ascent with Zeb, my partner in life, and his two kids Tim (18) and Mat (16). We got also joined by David Goettler on the second day. There was no one else on the mountain that day and it was a real pleasure to see Zeb with his two kids sharing this summit and flying off it. A powerful moment that I will not forget… ,